Omschrijving / Manga Doll Izumi
We hebben al heel wat mini-sekspoppen gezien, maar nog nooit eentje die de balans tussen sexy en schattig zo perfect wist te vinden! Met haar killer lichaam en lieve manga-geïnspireerde gezicht, is Izumi onweerstaanbaar.
Veel meer dan een onahole
Natuurlijk is er niets mis mee om je lichamelijk te laten gaan: pak een simpele onahole, kijk wat hentai of sluit je ogen en denk aan iemand, en beweeg je hand totdat je klaarkomt.
Maar het kan nog zoveel beter!
Met een mini sekspop stimuleer je niet alleen je penis. Door naar haar sexy lichaam te kijken en haar zachte rondingen aan te raken, komt je fantasie ook echt op gang. Je zult voelen dat je hart sneller gaat kloppen en dat je opwinding toeneemt als je je klaarmaakt om aan de gang te gaan met haar. Door niet alleen je penis, maar ook de rest van je lichaam en gedachten erbij te betrekken, zul je intensere, meer bevredigende climaxen hebben. En als je meer wilt? Izumi is altijd in voor nog een rondje.
Izumi: de perfecte mini sekspop als je van manga en hentai houdt
Veel sekspoppen zijn gemaakt om zo dicht mogelijk op een echte vrouw te lijken, of soms zien ze er erg pop-achtig uit. Als schattige anime meisjes je ding zijn, kan geen van deze opties echt je gevoelige snaar raken.
Dat is waar Izumi in beeld komt. Met haar grote blauwe ogen, puntig gezicht, kleine mond en kort roze haar ziet ze eruit alsof ze net uit de pagina's van een Japanse manga is gestapt. Haar peervormige borsten, smalle taille en ronde kont zijn mooi geproportioneerd. Ze is niet mager zoals een barbie, maar heeft een beetje "squish" aan haar lichaam en de witte bikini die wordt meegeleverd past haar perfect, knijpt haar borsten bij elkaar en benadrukt mooi haar rondingen.
Poseer haar zoals je wilt
Izumi heeft een sterk maar lichtgewicht metalen skelet, met gewrichten van hoge kwaliteit. Omdat ze meer beweegbare punten heeft dan de meeste mini seks poppen kun je haar in een aantal mooie en levensechte poses zetten, zoals je op de foto's en video kunt zien.
- Hoofd kan gedraaid en gekanteld worden
- Ogen kunnen gedraaid worden
- Schouders kunnen omhoog en gedraaid worden
- Ellebogen en polsen kunnen buigen
- Vingers hebben individueel poseerbare draden
- Taille kan buigen en draaien
- Heupen kunnen in alle richtingen bewegen
- Knieën en enkels kunnen buigen
Klaar voor je wanneer je haar maar wilt
Natuurlijk heeft zo'n mooie mini sekspop een bijpassend kutje. Achter haar schattige roze schaamlippen zit een verrassend lange tunnel vol met bobbels, plooien en andere stimulerende texturen op je te wachten. Het zachte materiaal knijpt bij elke stoot tegen je aan, waardoor je genot intenser wordt, totdat je uiteindelijk diep in haar tot een hoogtepunt komt en haar volspuit.
Manga Doll Izumi in het kort
Om alles samen te vatten, Izumi is een mini sekspop die het allemaal heeft: prachtige looks, hoge kwaliteit constructie, verbazingwekkende poseer opties, aanpassingsmogelijkheden, en natuurlijk een uitstekende tunnel. Trakteer jezelf op iets dat meer is dan alleen een onahole en pluk de vruchten: meer plezier en een nog beter hoogtepunt!
Izumi's Afmetingen
Lengte: 80 cm
Omtrek van het hoofd: 33,5 cm
Borstomtrek: 48 cm
Omtrek taille: 30 cm
Heup omtrek: 51 cm
Binnenbeenlengte: 39 cm
Lengte voet: 10 cm
Vagina tunnel lengte: 15,5 cm
Gewicht: 6,3 kg
Materiaal: premium TPE
Onderhoud: zoals met alle zwaardere producten met een skelet, raden wij aan Izumi voorzichtig te behandelen en haar te gebruiken op een zachte ondergrond, vooral in poses waar ze knielt of leunt op een gewricht. Anders kan het zachte materiaal beschadigd raken.

While the wires inside her fingers require some extra caution, Izumi's skeleton is indeed of high quality, making her very posable, thus enabling for endless possibilities :)
Things that the product description (suprisingly) doesn't mention:
- Izumi has not just one, but two holes! The vaginal and anal tunnel seem to be connected to one another, perhaps also allowing for easier cleaning.
- Izumi's bikini is not the only accessory, you also receive: a hairbrush, an onahole warmer, a small cleaning (water)pump + handglove(s?), and a very nice and soft fleece towel/cloth!
While I did manage to pick up this anime babe for a truly banging price (just under 300 euros), after having gotten my hands on her I reckon I'd be just as satisfied paying the full price. I hope that speaks volume on my enthusiasm.
Things I was curious about myself pre-purchase and now have an answer for:
- Izumi's wig is easily placd over and removed from her head as it is laced unto a stretchable cap.
- Izumi's hair strands do at times seem to fall or be pulled off, but it is a tolerable amount
- On delivery, Izumi's head is laying detached in the box, you can easily screw it on or off her torso.
- Izumi can be stored in the box she's delivered in, but having her wrapped in the fleece cloth in a box might not be best for airflow. If you fold her into a fetus position you can entirely fit her in one of the "Kyo" big storage sacks
- And very important: you can pose Izumi in various ways to satisfyingly cuddle with her... :)
If you plan on getting Izumi for yourself, make sure to have fun, but also actually *love* her! I'll hold you accountable & devil Izumi will punish you ;)
Meer informatie
# of holes | 2 |
Gewicht | 6.300,00 g |
Reusable | Is reusable |
Theme | Anime |
Tunnel length | 155,00 mm |
Open/Closed | Closed |
Number of layers | 1 |
Bone structure | With bone structure |
International Reviews
The skeleton feels good and she can bend and be put into most poses without much issue, main problem as has been mentioned by other reviewers are the fingers being so small that it is very easy for the wiring inside to stick out
The skin and texture feels very nice, especially the breasts. Even more so if you are a paizuri enjoyer
The feet are very soft, maybe a bit too soft as they get pretty smooshed if you have her in a standing position. Also although she does have an anal entrance I probably wouldn't recommend using it much, especially if you have an above average member as I have a feeling it is prone to tearing. Mine is average and during anal the area looks like its being super stretched and hanging on for dear life
Overall I'm very happy with my purchase, the doll is a lot of fun and the build quality is great. Staff was also very friendly and quick to respond to queries, she arrived a day late but I think that was more down to dpd than anything
1. Do NOT! I repeat, do NOT buy if you have average or above average girth. Even with all the lube in the world, the entrance is so tight that it is a struggle even to get inside.
2. The fingers have issues with the wires constantly sticking and poking out. They are sharp, so it can hurt if you try to cuddle the toy at night and it accidentally stabs you.
Other than that, not much to complain about. The wig isn't the best, but what can you really expect with a toy at this price, it's still alright. The TPE skin is soft, the ass is small but nice, the breasts are just kind of *there*, it's nice to grab when you cuddle the toy.
Overall, it's a great toy for the price, but man I can barely even fit inside it.
Should note that I had picked this up during sale (around 300) so I did not pay the full price for this so your own price to quality may vary.
One of the major difference in the product video/description is that it actually comes with 2 holes rather than just the 1 .
The body skeleton is quite good with joints making her extremely poseable for all your fantasy needs. Some joints are stiffer and others and you should really play around with them first to check when you unbox her. I had spent awhile moving all the joints in the beginning and found her right arm & leg alot stiffer and had to put a bit more force to move them the same way as the other side. There is wire in all the fingers so you can pose them but they seem fragile have a habit of sticking out of the fingers. For me 2 were already sticking out of the fingers when I received it which you can just pop back in but they tend to come back out after moving the hand in certain positions which can be really annoying. The pink paint on the fingers/toes & nipples etc will start to come off after 1 wash which I had expected and is common with other onaholes so this was not a major deal to me.
Cleaning can take a bit of time as obviously it is too big to fit in a sink and wash like smaller onaholes. You will have to bring the entire body to wash as only the head is removable and the entire body us 1 piece. If you have one of those water clean pumps it can be easier to clean up inside the hole as you just fill it up and pump water inside. (It does come with a water cleaning pump that you just squeeze which can do the job but the plastic feels really cheap to squeeze and turns of of shape after just 1 use. I did pick up a KYO Onahole Shower which works better for me and have a longer tube to stick in)
The entire doll comes wrapped up in 1 box with the head off which you just screw onto the neck. It comes with some small accessories: gloves, cleaning pump you fill with water and just squeeze & usb stick warmer. For storage I had just put it back inside the box with the towel wrapped up just like when I received it.
Overall for the price I had picked it up for I am happy with the first experience with a doll and satisfy the curiosity of them. It does make alot of fantasies come through with the poseable experience and being able to put different clothing on her. I think it is a fair price for a first experience with a doll if that is something you are interested in.
I placed another order then. I bought Suki now, but she looks like a kid to me. So this is why am searching for a manga head right now. A manga head and this small body will work good for me then.
Sehr gut verarbeitet und leicht zu handeln.
Sie 1/1 aus wie auf Fotos und Videos!
Kommt mit Decke und Zubehör was alles sicher verpackt war.
Kam in 4 Tagen bei mir an und das diskret.
Wie hier schon erwähnt wurde wäre eine Erweiterung des Sortimentes und vlt auch bis 95 cm Dolls eine super Ergänzung!
Noch ein Hinweis von mir, keine Gleitmittel auf Silikonbasis benutzen! Das verträgt sich nicht mit dem TPE. Nur Wasserbasierte! Feuchte Kondome mit einer Silikon-Öl beschichtung fallen da auch raus.
Ich hoffe der Händler erweitert sein Sortiment. Gibt ja noch etwas größere Anime / Manga Dolls ( 90/95cm)
Rolling shoulders and a joint in the middle of the back were both unexpected and welcome, they make a big difference in how you can move it. Some joints are stiffer than others on mine; the right arm takes a bit of force to move while the left arm can't hold itself in the air. Not a big deal for me. What is a slightly bigger deal for me is that the fingers seem to be normal steel wire, which easily warps. I haven't dared do much with them so far.
Actually using it has been nice, close to exactly what I wanted. It's large enough that it makes a big difference from normal onaholes and trying poses is fun. The tunnel is long enough to not bring me to an abrupt stop and it's not unnecessarily intense inside. The entrance is tight, but the tunnel opens up right past it.
I like it so far! Maybe long-term problems will show up, but the first impression has been good.