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Omschrijving / Onahole Quick Droogstick - KYO

KYO Onahole Quick Droogstick

Inmiddels weten de meeste mensen wel hoe belangrijk het is je onahole goed af te drogen na het schoonmaken. Achtergebleven vocht kan een vruchtbare broedplaats worden voor bacteriën en andere micro-organismen, die niet alleen stinken, maar ook een gezondheidsrisico vormen. Maar wat is de beste manier om een onahole af te drogen? Drogen aan de open lucht duurt lang en is niet zo effectief, en doekjes kunnen bacteriën herbergen of pluisjes achterlaten.

De KYO Onahole Droogstick is een herbruikbare stick die gebruikt kan worden om de laatste druppels vocht uit je seksspeeltje te absorberen. Het is gemaakt van 100% diatomeeënaarde en is buitengewoon geschikt om vocht op te nemen zonder je onahole te beschadigen of een gevaar voor je gezondheid te vormen, dankzij de poreuze structuur en het hoge siliciumgehalte. De droogstick absorbeert achtergebleven vloeistoffen en helpt bacteriegroei te elimineren.

60 seconden  •  Geen pluis  •  Herbruikbaar  •  Veilig  •  Voorkomt bacteriegroei

Verleng de levensduur van je speeltjes en bescherm je gezondheid door een Onahole Droogstick te gebruiken.

Zo gebruik je een droogstick

Maak eerst je pocket pussy schoon zoals gewoonlijk. Nadat je het meeste water uit de tunnel hebt geschud of geknepen, duw je de droogstick voorzichtig naar binnen met het ronde uiteinde eerst. Als je masturbator een ingewikkeld ontwerp heeft met veel uitstekende bobbels of ribbels, rol het speeltje dan rond in je hand en knijp erin om het vocht te verplaatsen en in contact te brengen met de droogstick. Trek de droogstick ten slotte voorzichtig weer naar buiten en leg hem opzij om te drogen. Hoe lang het duurt voordat de droogstick zelf weer opgedroogd is hangt af van de temperatuur en luchtvochtigheid.

Quick Droogstick Kenmerken

Lengte: 14.5 cm
Gewicht: 30 gram
Materiaal: diatomeeënaarde

KYO Drying Stick

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Vereiste voor ona gebruikers
Review by RB
badge-check Verified Buyer
Na het schoonmaken helpt deze stick met het droogmaken van de ona, wellicht de belangrijkste stap voor onderhoud. Ga er voorzichtig mee om. Zelf nog geen gebroken stick meegemaakt, maar better safe than sorry. Heel gemakkelijk, heel effectief. Geschikt voor de meeste kleine tot middelgrote ona's. (Foto: microvezel stick for scale)
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Life is easier
Review by Keber
badge-check Verified Buyer
this product makes drying onaholes much easier, I for sure recommend it
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Werkt goed
Review by Piet
badge-check Verified Buyer
De stick droogt uitstekend en is daarna weer te gebruiken. Prima ding.
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really good if a bit fragile
Review by nawid
badge-check Verified Buyer
this makes cleaning up a lot quicker and also easier. way better than almost any other method while also not being that expensive.
however it is a bit fragile so before sticking it somewhere be sure to take it slow and not push too hard with it.
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Must have!
Review by Gilles
Deze droogstick is zoals de samenvatting al zegt en must have voor onahole gebruikers. Het is extreem eenvoudig te gebruiken en droogt de binnenkant van je onaholes in no-time. Let er wel op bij onaholes met diepere groeven en veel nopjes dat je voor voldoende contact zorgt. Zo niet kan er in de hoekjes soms toch nog wat water achterblijven!
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Review by xela
makkelijk in gebruik, wel voorzichtig zijn met proppen zoals anderen aangeven.
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Dit is een must
Review by taksim
Erg gemakkelijk om te gebruiken en het werkt fantastisch. Nooit meer doekjes, sponsjes of andere zooi proppen in je speeltje om het droog te krijgen. Binnen 10 minuten is je speeltje droog. Voor een 10tje is het een must voor gebruiksgemak en hygiƫnische doeleinden.
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Doet wat het moet doen
Review by Anoniem
Zoals de titel zegt. Tegenover sponzen geraakt dit wel moeilijker in kleinere plaatsen. Het is breekbaar dus wees voorzichtig ermee.
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Review by President
Helps you draw out water faster.
Look out not to break it.
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Droogstick - Kyo
Review by J
De droogstick doet zijn werk, alleen is erg fragile. Had die van mij per ongeluk laten vallen, dus die ligt nu in 2 stukken. Dus berg de droogstick ergens op waar die niet ongelukkig opeens kan vallen.

Service als altijd is TOP.
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Gewicht 100,00 g

International Reviews

Very good product
Gereviewd door S.B
It dries the toy very quickly. The length is perfect for smaller toys, but it does it's job with bigger ones as well.
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Gereviewd door Ray
Good choice! Nice length and girth. It will, given enough time, dry the toy well and get all the little moisture out of it.
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Must have
Gereviewd door B.G
If you dont have one, you need one. Works perfect getting the last bit of moisture out of the ona after you have washed and dried it.
I ALWAYS use one of these after drying.
I got this for free as part of an even, very glad I got another.
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Works great
Gereviewd door A
Dries out your toys quickly after inserting. Makes drying them super easy.
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Schon praktisch
Gereviewd door user
Jeder, der regelmƤƟig ein Onahole nutzt, sollte dieses oder ein Ƥhnliches Produkt haben. Diese StĆ¼cks verhindern Feuchtigkeit im inneren des Kanals und hemmen so das Wachstum der Bakterien oder die Entstehung von Schimmel. Am besten trocknet man den Tunnel bereits grob und schiebt dann den Stick rein.Aus meiner Erfahrung kann ich sagen, dass man die auch ruhig etwas lƤnger im Toy lassen kann.

Finde aber die "Magic" Dry StĆ¼cks aus einer Art hartem Schwamm besser, da die offensichtlicher und schneller FlĆ¼ssigkeit aufnehmen. Die kann man hier aber leider nicht kaufen. Dieses Produkt hier ist aber auch vollkommen in Ordnung.
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Gereviewd door vibecheck
It's good quality and seems to be working fine. A bit expensive for just one.
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Very nice
Gereviewd door Panzer
It works very well and dries fast.. its a little fragile so you have to be careful. Mine broke but it still works
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Must Have
Gereviewd door frosnos
Pour la livraison, comme dā€™habitude avec Motsutoy, aucun souci.
Pour le produit, Ơ mon sens c'est un must have et doit faire partie de votre panier lors de l'achat de votre premier jouet. Il absorbe efficacement l'humiditƩ rƩsiduel issu des nettoyages, ce qui permet d'Ʃviter la moisissure si vous laisser vos jouets humide trop longtemps ranger...
Attention par contre, on peut facilement casser le bĆ¢ton en deux, donc ne forcez pas trop.
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a nice thing to have, but by no means a necessity
Gereviewd door 8man
-1 star down from service because my order arrived at the wrong drop off point, it was still nearby though.

The time estimate for drying in the description is kind of crazy, takes closer to somewhere between 15min and 1hr depending on how textured the ona is and how diligently you pushed out the water beforehand. It does dry it very thoroughly and much faster than just leaving it to air out though.
One concern I have is that the insertion/pulling out might damage the ona, since there seems to be quite a bit of friction, especially with tighter ones. I did try to pull it out with a somewhat rotating motion to prevent that, but that resulted in the thing snapping in half. Guess I'm sticking with microfiber cloth and pencils for now.
Also, 10ā‚¬ feels a bit much for what it is.
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Does it's job
Gereviewd door ginger rabbit
I heard leaving this in the onahole too long might also suck out some oils from it, although I'm not sure how true that is.
Either way, this dries well for handheld onaholes, and is about the length of a regular ballpoint pen.
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Gereviewd door Onafan
Practical to dry internal tunnel of your toys. Long enough for most of onahole.
It could be nice if a storage bag came with it.
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Useful but fragile
Gereviewd door Mario
Useful drying stick, but made from hard chalk like material which is fragile. Can break if dropped or crushed. Will also stain over time, but discoloration can be removed by dishwashing machine.
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Does it's Job
Gereviewd door Kohrean
Well it does the Job well. It leaves the hole dry without much trouble.
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Sehr nĆ¼tzliches Werkzeug
Gereviewd door Anonym
Ein unabdingbares Werkzeug zur perfekten Trocknung.
Leicht zerbrechlich, nimmt nach einiger Zeit etwas Farbe von roten Material an.
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TrĆØs bon service et bon produit
Gereviewd door LV
Indispensable pour ceux qui ne veulent pas laisser traĆ®ner leurs jouets, sĆ©chage trĆØs rapide
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Funktioniert, jedoch recht unhandlich
Gereviewd door ZeroTwo Simp
Der drystick ist ungefƤhr 14cm lang, trocknet auch sehr gut wenn man das Toy von auƟen gegen den stick drĆ¼ckt. Leider ist er fĆ¼r lƤngere toys eher wenig geeignet da man die vollen 14 cm nicht ausschƶpfen kann, man muss immer noch so 2cm rausschauen lassen sonst wird es eine ziemliche Anstrengung ihn wieder raus zu bekommen. Da finde ich die Microfiber Sticks kombiniert mit ein wenig Lufttrocknen deutlich angenehmer wenn man die Mƶglichkeit hat.
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Does the job well
Gereviewd door E S
Haven't had any issues with drying after buying this.
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Gutes Produkt aberā€¦
Gereviewd door Echi
Soweit ein wunderbares Utensil und erleichtert so um einiges den Trocknungsvorgang. Nur leider sind sie zu kurz fĆ¼r einige Onasā€¦ Hoffentlich nimmt Motsu bald auch eine lƤngere Variante in ihr Sortiment.
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Superb product!
Gereviewd door Henry
Works great, seems to be bit fragile and have to carefully/slowly work it in.
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Good for drying onaholes overnight
Gereviewd door Guuby
Water absorbing Dry Sticks. Thay can break if your not carefull.
But even if they break in half you can still use them.
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Works great!
Gereviewd door Onaholio
Works much better than cheapo Chinese sticks that you can get on Aliexpress or Amazon.
Placed roughly the same amount of water on a mat and used KYO (left) and Chinese (right) sticks to dry it up, KYO cleaned it up very quickly while cheap stick still had a lot of water left and also left a lot of white residue.
Worth the price. Don't buy no name cheap sticks.
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Gereviewd door Rudeus
Works great, pay attention when inserting and pulling out so you dont damage the material.
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Much better than towels
Gereviewd door ThighGuy
Much better than towels for drying insides of Ona holes or hips without damaging the insides. If you can go multiple rounds with multiple toys I suggest getting one stick for each ( I have 3 sticks for 3 toys I use each session).

Works well after 10-15mins but can leave them in overnight if needed. Best to let them air dry before using again.
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Works Well!
Gereviewd door D
Good at drying onaholes.
You will need to squeeze the onahole about a bit, to get all of the moisture out
The sticks surface is very porous and can feel abrasive when inserting it to the depths of the onahole.
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Good quality
Gereviewd door Stick
I've used my stick about 5 times and it's still as new. Helps make sure the onahole is really dry for use
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Fine, does the job decently enough
Gereviewd door ChrisMad
It works as it should, nothing more, nothing less. The stick's texture was much more resistant than I thought. So if you're like me and rarely powder your onaholes, it's tough to get it in because of all the friction. Since the stick is completely straight without any ridges, it has trouble catching the moisture out of more complex interiors, even if you squeeze it really hard. I do notice it helps, but leaving the holes to air-dry is still the best way.
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Clean changer
Gereviewd door Tbmtot
No more waiting for hours for it to air dry. With this, in 2 minutes maximum by squeezing on certain corners of the onahole, it becomes completely dry.
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first purchase of this kind
Gereviewd door Fors
being my first and only purchase of the kind i have nothing else to compare too, however what can i say, it does its job well i think, after washing properly and drain the majority of the water you can put this in and give enough time, probably also squeeze it a bit if you can or wiggle and let it rest a bit and it will dry the insides easily.
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Quick and effective
Gereviewd door Sweedee
Works really well and quickly. I found that if you squeeze your onahole and move the stick around a bit you can get rid of all the moisture within seconds. Definitely recommended.
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Must have
Gereviewd door MonaholeLisa
It makes drying your toys so much easier it's just a no brainer.
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Gereviewd door Mikez841
RAS, pratique et efficace
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Drying Stick
Gereviewd door ItsMe
Super, um am Ende der Reinigung auch jeden letzten Rest Feuchtigkeit zu entfernen. Ein Muss fĆ¼r jeden, der Wert auf Hygiene und Sauberkeit legt. Nur Achtung, wie jeder schon geschrieben hat, Vorsicht das Material ist empfindlich!
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Tut was es soll
Gereviewd door Nico
Trocknet sehr schnell, man muss aber vorsichtig sein weil der Stick schnell brechen kann.
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Sehr praktisch
Gereviewd door Anonym
Funktioniert sehr gut und ist sehr praktisch.
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It makes things much easier.
Gereviewd door oss
It makes things much easier. Would recommend.
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Es geht nicht ohne
Gereviewd door ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)
Ein Must Have fĆ¼r alle Onaholes, vor allem die groƟen Spielzeuge wie die Torsos.
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Ideal zum Trocknen
Gereviewd door Daniel
Dies is bereits mein 2. Drying Stick, da mir der 1. runtergefallen ist. Also immer schƶn vorsichtig mit umgehen, da sie schnell zerbrechen.
Ansonsten wie bereits vorher schon gesagt, trocknet zuverlƤssig und hilft enorm.
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Gereviewd door Poulet77
Cela marche bien, facile d'utilisation et a bon prix.
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GOOD but kinda expensive?
Gereviewd door SUPER NOOB
I used it wrong and it still worked!
You should probably dry the inside with a soft sponge first and then put the stick inside. I just put the stick inside the still super wet Onahole... No wonder it took days to dry, instead of the usual minutes people are recommending.
I have seen cheaper drying sticks on amazon, but I don't know if they work just as well. Anyway, when you're getting an Onahole you NEED to get a drying stick aswell!
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really good product
Gereviewd door hakimi
definitely get this, they are game changer
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Tut genau was es soll.
Gereviewd door Stein
Trocknet sehr schnell.
Man sollte aber drauf achten das Onahole nicht zu sehr zu belasten, der Stick haftet sobald alles trocken ist ganz gut.
Vakuum vermeiden und / oder halt den Tunnel mit den Fingern weiten wƤhren du den Stick rausziehst und alles ist okay.
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It save your time at drying onahole
Gereviewd door AZ
After cleaning the onahole, just stick(haha, get it? drying stick) it in and give your onahole some massage to absorb water, let it in for a minute and done, pretty straightforward. But be aware this thing is very VERY fragile, don't let it drop or push/pull with it in the onahole, it will break, ask me how i know it.
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Tolles Produkt
Gereviewd door Star
Saugt Wasser schnell auf. Beim Ein-und AuffĆ¼hren darauf achten, die innere Struktur nicht zu stark zu belasten (es kƶnnen kleine Abreibungen entstehen). Ansonsten echt top.
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Gereviewd door CED
Alors lĆ  ce produit est juste incroyable, je l'ai mis dans mon vagin artificiel, et une heure aprĆØs, tout etait sec !
franchement si j'avais su, j'en aurait commandƩ plus tot !
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Muss man haben
Gereviewd door Masterbrain148
Trocknet zuverlƤssig und schnell
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Gereviewd door Someone
Works fine
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Gereviewd door Daniel
Einfach den Stab vorsichtig ins Onahole stecken und die Trockung funktioniert prima.
Besser als es manuell zu machen. Find ich gut!
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Require some practice
Gereviewd door JDA
Not very easy to insert as its ā€œstickā€ to the toy but one itā€™s inside it works well!
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Absorption efficace
Gereviewd door MoĆÆse
Gadget complĆ©mentaire mais trĆØs efficace.
Ce "crayon" discret absorbe l'humiditƩ dans les recoin mes jouets.
Je galĆØre beaucoup moins et ceux sans les abĆ®mĆ©s.
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Must have fĆ¼r jeden Onahole Besitzer
Gereviewd door Anon
In meinen Augen ein absolutes must have, sorgt dafĆ¼r dass die Onaholes von innen schƶn trocken werden damit sich keine Bakterien o.Ƥ. bilden. Oft wieder verwendbar, man muss allerdings vorsichtig damit umgehen, hab es schon geschafft einen kaputt zu brechen, weil ich es beim reinschieben zu sehr "geknickt" habe. Durch das Granulat welches benutzt wird sind die Sticks eben sehr bruchanfƤllig, aber mit etwas Vorsicht kein Problem!
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Don't let it fall.
Gereviewd door Asuna
Works pretty well. Just make sure to dry it properly, best not on a heater, because it might roll down and you can buy a new one.
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Easy to use
Gereviewd door P.
It works as intended, and as long as the onaholes are properly cleaned up before inserting the drying stick, it will last a long time. Just take care while handling because it breaks easily.
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Works well and easy to use
Gereviewd door P
Very good, get the last amount of moisture out and is easy to use.
Do be careful not to break the stick in half when inserting into toy
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Greatly useful, fragile though
Gereviewd door FABIEN
Does what it's made for when following the instructions, but the sticks can break easily while being transported, and the sharp edges of two or three little sticks from the original one may pierce the materials.
Otherwise great.
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Works as intended
Gereviewd door Cuckadiilo
Simple to use and works as intended.
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Gereviewd door John
Der Stab ist gut, macht es sehr einfach die Spielzeuge trocken zu halten
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Endlich eine gute Lƶsung, um sein Spielzeug auch von innen richtig trocknen zu kƶnnen.
Gereviewd door Maskenfreund
Ich hatte immer so meine liebe MĆ¼he und Not gehabt, meine Spielzeuge auch von innen richtig trocken zu kƶnnen.
Dank dieses Trocknungsstabes hier geht das nun schnell und einfach Ć¼ber die BĆ¼hne.

Wenn der Stab die Feuchtigkeit aufgenommen hat, lƤsst man ihn einfach an der Luft austrocknen und kann ihn somit wiederverwenden.
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Tres utile
Gereviewd door Billy
UtilisĆ© avec le Sujiman Kupa EXTRA-Virgin Lolinco, ce gadget est extrĆŖmement utile car il permet de retirer l'humiditĆ© prĆ©sente au fond du sextoy.
Je recommande !
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A must-have product
Gereviewd door Z
Greatly eases the drying portion of cleaning your onahole.
And is reusable, so that's a great plus. I would recommend buying two for onaholes with two holes, for a quicker drying.
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Stick is great!
Gereviewd door Nordic
The stick works wonders! After removing the excess water with a microfiber cloth, I insert the stick to make sure everything inside is dried out thoroughly. Also make sure to roll the toy and press on it so that all remaining water is absorbed!
Definitely makes your life easier when it comes to drying out your toys!
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Porous glory stick
Gereviewd door JK
While these things are grossly overpriced when it comes to materials used (you could get a free soapstone stick from your local stone driller), it's pretty much the best way to dry the inside of your fucktoy. It's easy as it gets; wash that nasty gunk out and shove the stick in dry. Let it sit there for a moment and absorb the moisture. Remove carefully not to rip the inside while pulling it out. If you have rough spots on the stone, you can polish the surface with stone polishing pads. Takes some elbow grease, but the results are pretty great. You get a shiny stick to shove in onaholes.
Though because it is Mohs 1 hardness, take care not to scratch it too much and keep it in the box it comes with. It snaps easily. Another reviewer mentioned that it doesn't do all that good job when it comes to excess moisture, but that's just an issue of drying the stick up between insertions. This is the method; let the stick be under the hottest water your faucet can deliver, enough to steam to rise. After this, roll the stick inside a paper towel or such. The nature of the material means the moisture inside has now been heated enough to vaporise itself, and drying the stick is a snatch.

Don't shove it up to your butt, it might get stuck in there.
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Reusable stuff
Gereviewd door EK
Works very well if you follow all recommendations. Have not much to say, I see no reason to not purchase it for your toy!
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Bye bye hour long dry cleaning
Gereviewd door Dune
I'm so thankful I found out about these. Previous toys have been left haning to air dry for hours and hours it felt like. This makes lives of toy owners so much more convenient. Must have from now on.
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Does what it says
Gereviewd door Silver
Good for drying out the inside as itā€™s usually the toughest place to dry after cleaning
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It works
Gereviewd door MC
simple to use, will definitely recommend it
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Does it's job
Gereviewd door Momo
It works pretty well, just try to get as much water as you can out of the onahole before using the stick or it won't work.
Saves me a lot of trouble and now I don't have to pray that I don't damage the onahole will drying it.
A must buy.
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A great product
Gereviewd door RedSoldier757
Very useful and reusable and works a treat! I have been using it for ages now and it always dries the inside of my onaholes, although I must add that I try to get most of the moisture out with a micro fibre cloth first and use the drying stick to get whats left.
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It kinda works
Gereviewd door Momo
Not the quickest way to dry an onahole and sometimes there's some water that the stick just don't seem to be able to absorb, only happens with onaholes that have complex insides but still.
So yeah it's good enough for what it is I guess but I'd recommend a cloth type alternative.
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Gereviewd door Jon
Not much to say, picks up the left over trace amounts of moisture in the hole perfectly.
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Passt schon!
Gereviewd door Mr.Nobody
Servus. Also dieser Trocknungs Stab ist wirklich sehr gut. Es saugt FlĆ¼ssigkeit wirklich innerhalb von Sekunden auf und hinterlƤsst keine Spuren.

Es ist aber auch sehr Porƶs. Ist mir leider vom Tisch runter gerollt und dann sauber in 2Teile zerbrochen. Kann Ich aber immer noch verwenden.

FĆ¼r den Preis absolut in Ordnung.
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Good Product, Amazing Service
Gereviewd door Ling Ling
Product: As it says in the product description, it helps to get rid of the extra moisture that a cloth struggles to remove, and It does this pretty well.

Service: The material the stick is made out is slightly brittle, so there is a chance it might be damaged during shipping. This happened to me, so I contacted Motsu and they shipped me a replacement unit for free within a couple of days! I wish I could give 6/5 stars for the amazing service :)
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Effective and Reusable
Gereviewd door CCS
The stick is made of a material which soaks up any water which it contacts with. However, it doesnt work if there is too much moisture as the stick can't hold that much mositure. The best way to use it would be the squeeze and shake out most of the water before leaving the stick inside for some time. Honestly, this is a great option and alternative compared to the microfiber sticks as this is longer lasting and more effective.
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